
2012. július 28., szombat

Day 21. Something that you only wear around the house. - Valami, amit csak otthonra hordasz.

A kedvenc dolgom, amit itthonra szoktam hordani, az a pizsialsom :) Meg learazva vettem a PX-ben, azt hiszem, osszesen kb 7 dollar volt a szett. A felsoresze csak egy sima rozsaszin ujjatlan polo, azt nem mindig veszem fel hozza, de ebben a pizsamaalsoba szerelmes vagyok! Tokre megvaltoztatja a reggeli hangulatomat, ha ranezek, olyan aranyos! Szoros, halvany rozsaszin az alapszine, es nagyon kenyelmes.

Ebayen probaltam nektek keresni hasonlot, hogy ti is tudjatok venni, ha megkivantatok, de csak ezt talaltam, haha: Ebay link

Ha viszont tenyleg szeretnetek hasonlot, a Victoria's Secretnek vannak  ilyesmi cukisagai, szerintem egesz normalis aron is meg lehet rendelni oket.
My favorite things to wear at home are these PJ shorts :) They were o discount at the PX, I think the whole set was like 7 $ total. The top of it is just a regular pink tank top, I don't always wear that with it, but I'm in love with the bottom part! It totally changes my mood to the better in the mornings, because they look so cute! They're furry, have light pink basic color and these pants are also very comfortable.

I tried to look for something similar on Ebay for you, so if I made you feel like you want these you could get them, but this was the closest I found LOL

However, if you really do want something similar, I'm sure Victoria's Secret has stuff that's just as cute, if not better.

Good morning! :)

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