
2012. március 21., szerda

My new O'Neill T

Yesterday i found this awesome O'Neill T shirt at the Military Exchange shop here, it was discounted because it had a chocolate smudge on it (or whatever else I'm not sure I want to know where the smudge came from), but I saw  fantasy in it so I bough it, guess what, it was 3 dollars (and it's brand new)! I thought I should make an outfit post with it, so enjoy!
This spring light blue and light pink are really in!!! I love that!
Tegnap talaltam ezt a kiraly O'Neill polot a katonaknak epitett aruhazban, ami le volt arazva, mert volt rajta egy csokifolt (vagy valami, amirol nem akarom tudni, honnan szarmazik), de lattam benne fantaziat, szoval megvettem, mindossze kb 600 Ftert( es nem mellesleg vadonatuj)! Gondoltam csinalok vele egy bejegyzest, remelem tetszik!
Most tavasszal nagy divat a vilagoskek es vilagos rozsaszin, nekem nagyon tetszik!

I was just playing with photoshop, but don't worry, I am not going to put Blinkx features on my pictures in the future!LOL
Csak jatszottam egy kicsit photoshoppal, de ne ijedjetek meg, a jovoben sem fogok csillivilli izeket rapakolni a kepekre!
Bag, shoes, nails-all parts of the look!
Cipo, taska, korom-mind hozzajarul a jo megjeleneshez!

Shoes: 5th Avenue- Cindy Crawford collection
T-Shirt: O'Neill
Undershirt: H&M
Pants: Fishbone
Jacket: Philip Russel
Necklace: Jeans Club
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Bag: H&M
Wallet: AVON

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