
2012. augusztus 31., péntek

Someone tell me what happened to Rihanna?

Biztosan kozuletek is sokan figyelemmel kiserik, hogyan oltozkodnek a hiressegek, neha en is ellesek egy-ket tippet egy-egy jol oltozott celebtol. Azt viszont sosem ertettem, hogy ha valakinek ennyi penze van, hogy nem tud szep ruhakat venni belole? Ma Rihannan keresztul szeretnek bemutatni nektek par iszonyatosan elrontott osszeallitast, habar biztos vagyok benne, ti soha nem nyulnatok ennyire melle!
I am sure a lot of you follow what some celebrities dress like, sometimes I take a couple of tips from a well-dressed actress or singer. However, I never understood, how someone with so much money can dress so badly. Today I would like to point out some terrible fashion mistakes through Rihanna, although I'm positive none of you would ever mess up an outfit so bad!

1. Rosszul kivalasztott rovidnaci\ Wrong choice of Daisy Dukes

Ha elsore ranezek erre a kepre, nekem nem egy vilaghiru sztar jut eszembe, hanem inkabb egy lepukkant keregeto. A farmer rovidnaci eleve nem tul jo valasztas, nem csak nagyon rovid, de a szaggatasok miatt elegge kozonseges, amire a szegecsek csak meg egy lapattal ratesznek. Ha mindenkeppen ragaszkodik valaki egy hasonlo darabhoz, annak azt javaslom, hogy konzervativ, noies felsoresszel, esetleg barna bor kiegeszitokkel tompitsa ezt a hatast. 
If I look at this picture, I don't see a well known superstar, but a trashy begger. The denim shorts are not a very good choce, they are way too short and studs and the big, multiple wholes make it look very trashy. If you are hanging on to a similar piece, I recommend you to wear it witha more conservative, girly top and maybe brown leather accessories to calm down the 'prostitute effect'.

 2. Mi ez a baseball sapka? \ What's up with that baseball cap?

Ez az outfit annyi mindentol rossz, hogy azt se tudom, hol kezdjem. Ezt a baseball sapkat mintha le se lehetne szakitani Rihanna fejerol az elmult par napban. Ha a ruhatol indulnek ki, es biztosan nem hasonlo cipot vennek fel- szerintem a rocker bakancs sosem volt meno, es nem is lesz az, legalabbis noies szettben biztosan nem! A taska szine egyaltalan nem megy semmihez. A borkabat es a nyaklanc meg nem is lenne olyan rossz, ha valaki kidobna ezt a ronda sapkat es csizmat, es raadna egy szep, magassarku cipot erre a lanyra.

This outfit is wrong in so many ways that I don't even know where to start it. This baseball cap is like glued to Rihanna's head in the last couple of days. If I would start from the dress, I would for sure not wear her ugly shoes- I think rocker boots were never, and will never be cool, especially not with a nice, girly dress! The colors of the bag don't match anything. The leather jacket and the necklace wouldn't be that bad if someone would rip this hat off of this girl, throw her boots in the trash and put some nice high heels on her feet.

3. Magasszaru, mintas csizma\ High, print boots

Habar szeretnek segiteni, hogy egy ilyen darabot mivel vegyen fel az ember, szinte semmire nem tudok gondolni. Egyszeruen csak ne essetek abba a hibaba, hogy ilyen vagy ehhez hasonlo rondasagra egy fillert is elpazaroljatok.
Even though I would love to think about a set with these boors, I cannot think of anything. Just do not fall into the mistake of spending even a cent on something so ugly.

4. Mintas mintassal, logos logossal\ Print with print, naggy with baggy

Nalam az egyik alapszabaly, hogy nem veszek fel mintas kardigant vagy blezert mintas poloval- ha megis ilyet tennek, legalabb az egyik darabnak minimalis mintazattal kellene rendelkeznie, es a szineknek hasonlonak kellene lenniuk. Ugyanez van a logos cuccokkal: ha pl. log a nadragod, vedd fel feszulosebb felsovel, az oversize felsok pedig leggingsszel vagy skinny farmerral mutatnak a legjobban.
It is one of my basic rules not to wear a printed cardigan or blazer with a printed T shirt- although if I ended up doing that, I would pay a lot of attention that one of these pieces would have less print than the other and have similar colors. It;s pretty much the same with baggy pieces: if for example your pants are baggy, wear a stretchy top, and oversize pullovers and cardigans look the best with leggings or skinny jeans.

5. Nagy, sportos kabat? Mi??\ Big, sporty coat? What?? 

Rihanna ebben a sportdzsekinek\kabatnak tuno izeben gokartozni ment. Itt nem a sportos ruhadarabokat kritizalom, csak magat a tenyt, hogy ilyet gyartanak, mint ez a kabat, es valaki meg is veszi.
Rihanna went go karting in this sport jacket\coat like thingy. I am not trying to say that sporty pieces suck, just that I'm surprised that they produce things like this piece and someone buys it. 

6. Mackofelso szoknyaval\ Big pullovers with skirts

En szeretem keverni a stilusokat, de egy mackofelsot nem vennek fel szoknyaval. Meg jo, hogy itt a kezeben van a sapkaja, es nem a fejen, mert attol csak meg rosszabb lenne ez az egesz. 
I like to mix styles, but I would never wear sporty sweater with a skirt. It's a good thing though that she has her hat in her hand and not on her head, that would just make things even worse.

7. Kozonseges+extra rovid+sportos= tragedia\ Trashy+extrashort+sporty= disaster

Egy masik alapszabalyom, hogy nagyon kivagott felsot nem veszek fel szoknyaval. Nem kell mindent megmutatni, hagyni kell, hogy beinduljon az emberek fantaziaja. Es ismet itt van a tornacipo szoknyaval, amirol mar tudjatok, hogy nem nagy kedvencem. Remelem Rihanna felvesz egy stylistot, mert ha jovore ilyen cuccokat vesznek majd fel a tinilanyok, nem biztos, hogy tulelem a nyarat.
Another basic rule for me is not to wear cut out top with short skirts. You don't have to show everything, you have to leave a little bit to the fantasy of others. And here it is again, the sporty shoes with a skirt, which you know already is not one of my favorites. I hope Rihanna is going to employ a stylist, because if teenagers are going to wear stuff like these next year, I don't think I will survive the summer.

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