So as I told you before, I started working out and doing the program I linked to the post, but the thing is that I was really greedy and didn't keep any of the eating advice at all lol :) In like a week I'm gonna start this other excercise program, this one is called LIVE FIT trainer and it's from Jamie Eason, I love her! It has more advice on what food to eat and what not to, so hopefully this time I can actually lose weight. I did get a nicer muscle tone though, so if someone from you guys started to do that excercise, DON'T STOP! :)
I will start this one, and I promise I won't break any rules this time!:)
Now I am going back to Hungary for like a week, so I won't be able to keep my diet of course. I think a lot of you haven't tried Hungarian food yet, well, you shouldn't miss something like that! :)
My favorite food is paprika chicken, it is not hard to make, and nobody can die without tasting it! You will fall in love!
Szoval mint korabban mar emlitettem, elkezdtem egy edzesprogramot, amit egy korabbi postomhoz linkeltem is, de az az igazsag, hogy nagyon falank voltam, es semmilyen etkezesi tanacsot nem tartottam be :) Kb egy heten belul elkezdem ezt az edzest, ezt LIVE FIT trainernek hivjak es Jamie Eason az oktato, ot nagyon szeretem! Tobb etkezesi tanacs is van benne, szoval nagyon remelem, hogy ezuttal tenyleg fogok fogyni. Amugy kidolgozottabbak lettek az izmaim, szoval ha valaki kozuletek elkezdte az elozot,
Most ezt fogom csinalni, es igerem, ezuttal nem fogok csalni!:)
Hazamegyek Magyarorszagra egy hetre, ugyhogy termeszetesen keptelenseg lesz betartani a dietam. Szerintem sokan nem ettetek meg magyar kajat, pedig nem szabad kihagyni!
A kedvencem a paprikas csirke, nem nehez elkesziteni, es nem lehet meghalni anelkul, hogy meg ne kostolnad! Szerelembe fogsz esni!
On this link you can find an accurate recipe, so you can make it yourself at home. They have everything converted to your whichever metric system you are using, so you won't have trouble trying to figure out the measures! :)
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